A technical note that describes guidelines for building comfort, performance and sustainability.
A technical note that describes A2W heat pump types for new and retrofit residential applications.
A collection of system concepts for domestic hot water production.
An introduction for professionals to efficiency as a continuum of design strategies.
Solar shading for low energy and healthy buildings.
A Dimplex project planning manual that demonstrates how to Heat and Cool with Hydronic Heat Pumps.
A collection of resources produced by Professor David Wyon that consider human performance as influenced by indoor environment.
A collection of system concepts for heating, cooling and ventilation.
A Pacific Northwest National Laboratory report on the business case for Micro CHP Fuel-Cell Systems in commercial applications.
A quick and dirty presentation of High Selectivity glazing units to Keep the view and Beat the heat.
A quick and dirty presentation of solar power, glazing unit solar heat gain and in-context glazing unit evaluation techniques.
An DOE inventory of commercially available HVAC technologies installed in low-load homes.
Design guide for a changing planet.
A demo systems study showing the work executed in support of projects in general.
An introduction for consumers to thermal comfort and associated standards.
An introduction for professionals to thermal comfort and the factors associated with designing for the same.
An extraordinary introduction to daylight, energy and indoor climate.